This Antigua & Barbuda landfolio® Public Access Website has been provided by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda as a public service. Using this website, attorneys, real estate
professionals, general public users, and other interested parties may search the government’s land records and retrieve information. Searches may be performed
by parcel number, by instrument number, by party or owner name, by address, or by an interactive map. The information available includes physical parcel
characteristics, ownership information, parcel transaction history, document images, aerial photographs, and comprehensive parcel reports.
IMPORTANT NOTE: At the current time, public access has been limited to performing simple searches by parcel number and/or by instrument number. Self-registration on the site
is disabled, as is the ability to purchase copies of instruments, parcel maps, and parcel reports.
In the future, users may purchase an unlimited subscription to this information, or a limited subscription, or they may purchase some individual products without a
subscription. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to learn about subscription levels and costs.